IEEE Citation: N. Shevchenko, "An Introduction to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)," Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog). Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute, 21-Dec-2020 [Online]. Available: http://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/introduction-model-based-systems-engineering-mbse/. [Accessed: 18-Apr-2023].
Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
T2S Solutions employs a technical approach to systems engineering that focuses on creating and exploiting domain models as the primary means of information exchange, rather than on document-based information exchange. This model based approach provides the following benefits:
- Common standards-based approach to documenting the system
- Enforce the use of a standard by all stakeholders
- Reduces the number of defects that are commonly injected
- Consistent propagation of corrections and incorporation of new information and design decisions
- Overall reduction of development risks

Digital Engineering
Used to prototype and test decisions and solutions in a virtual environment before they are committed to production and fielding. We instantiate an ecosystem, resulting in an enduring, reusable, and authoritative source of truth for programmatic, technical, and sustainment data that is shared among all stakeholders. This authoritative source of truth ensures that all program data are available to our clients.
We deploy foundational elements associated with early MBSE tools, supporting infrastructure, and data management, and then integrate existing capabilities that support the design, test, and deployment phases of system life cycles. We integrate digital models and simulations into Digital Twins representing systems, ultimately supporting system anomaly resolution, training, and rapid integration and deployment of system upgrades. Our Digital Engineering ecosystem ensures a range of modeling capabilities are compatible and support our client’s needs, requirements, and constraints.

Digital Engineering Environment
Our Digital Engineering toolset maximizes collaboration between program managers, engineers, and developers, and is equipped with foundational Digital Engineering capabilities that support the systems lifecycle from requirements modeling. Our toolset is inclusive of :
- AutoDesk
- Cameo
- IBM Doors
- Magic Draw
- Solidworks

Transforming Cloud Computing
T2S Solutions provides Cloud Engineering Services help organizations design, deploy, manage, and optimize their cloud infrastructure and applications. These services are provided by cloud engineering experts who possess knowledge and skills in cloud computing technologies, platforms, and best practices.
Some key aspects of our Cloud Engineering Services:
- Cloud Strategy and Planning
- Cloud Architecture Design
- Cloud Migration
- Cloud Application Development
- DevOps and Automation
- Cloud Security and Compliance
- Cloud Cost Optimization
- Cloud Performance Optimization

T2S Solutions Cloud Engineering Services enable organizations to leverage the benefits of cloud computing effectively, including scalability, flexibility, cost-efficiency, and innovation, while ensuring the security, reliability, and performance of their cloud-based systems.